fall guy

1. 容易上当受骗的人

2. 替罪羊; 替死鬼

The police arrested a fall guy. The real crooks are still free.


He was a very unpleasant person - he would always use his friend Peter as the fall guy if things went wrong.

他这人很可恶, 出了岔子总是拿他的朋友彼得当替罪羊。

regular guy

1. 好人

You'll like Tom. He's a regular guy.


tough guy

1. 硬汉子

He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.

他是个硬汉, 是个挥着鞭子发号施令的大人物。

wise guy

1. 自作聪明的人; 自命不凡的人

Bill is a wise guy and displeases others by what he says.

比尔自命不凡, 说的话让人生气。

特殊用法anti-rolling guy1.防滚索back guy1.后拉线boom guy1.拉线handling guy1.搬运索jib guy1.船首侧支索mooring guy1.系留索pole guy1.电杆拉线side guy1.侧拉线storm guy1.风暴拉线stub guy1.有拉桩的拉线wire guy1.钢丝牵索line guy1.钢丝牵索 习惯用语do a guy1.逃走[亡]2.擅离职守fall guy1.[美俚]替罪羊, 替死鬼; 容易上当受骗的人give the guy to sb.1.摆脱某人; 偷偷溜掉pappy guy1.[美俚]老前辈; 长者regular guy1.[美俚]很和气的人; 可靠的人wise guy1.自作聪明的家伙; 厚脸皮的家伙