

1 表名词,“小”

kettle n. 水壶

ket 水壶 + le 小 → 水壶

prickle n.

prick 刺 + le 小 → 刺

speckle n. 小斑点

speck 斑点 + le 小 → 小斑点

2 表名词,“做某种动作时所使用的东西”

girdle n. 腰带

gird 束缚 + le 做某种动作时所使用的东西 → 腰带

handle n. 把手

hand 手 + le 做某种动作时所使用的东西 → 把手

spindle n. 纺纱锭子

spin 纺纱 + le 做某种动作时所使用的东西 → 纺纱锭子

3 表动词,“反复、连续”

joggle v. 轻摇

jog 轻推 + le 反复、连续 → 轻摇

tinkle v. 发叮当声

tink 发叮当声 + le 反复、连续 → 发叮当声

winkle v. 闪烁

wink 闪烁 + le 反复、连续 → 闪烁

4 表动词,“使…”

darkle v. 变暗

dark 黑暗 + le 使… → 变暗

handle v. 操纵

hand 手 + le 使… → 操纵

sparkle v. 闪耀;闪烁

spark 火花 + le 使… → 闪耀;闪烁

speckle v. 使弄上斑点

speck 斑点 + le 使… → 使弄上斑点



The water went down the plughole with a loud gurgle. And the tinkle and clink of silverware on china, the hiss and gurgle of the coffee maker.


"With each rustle of her lotus garments, her jade pendants tinkle."


Miss Peel tinkled her desk bell and they all sat down again.


From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing.


One tinkle of the temple bell, one whiff of incense, or one sip of rancid yak-butter tea, and they lose their critical faculties.


If you are an MFC user, you may want to tinkle with the various MFC macros to see if you can fit in an event handler function into your code either manually or via the Wizard.
