

fug= to flee, to escape 逃, 逃离

centrifugal adj. 离心的

centri 中心 + fug 逃,逃离 + al …的 → 离心的

fugacious adj. 易挥发的;转瞬即逝的

fug 逃,逃离 + acious 易…的 → 易挥发的;转瞬即逝的

fugitive adj. 逃亡的

fug 逃,逃离 + it 走 + ive …的 → 逃亡的

fugitive n. 逃亡者

insectifuge n. 驱虫药

insecti〔= insect 昆虫〕+ fug 逃,逃离 + e → 让虫子逃跑的东西 → 驱虫药

lucifugous adj. 怕光的

luci 光 + fug 逃,逃离 + ous …的 → 逃离光 → 怕光的

refuge n. 避难;避难所

re 向后 + fug 逃,逃离 + e → 向后跑得远远的 → 避难

refugee n. 逃难者

re 向后 + fug 逃,逃离 + ee 表人 → 逃难者

subterfuge n. 遁词;诡计

sub 下 + ter 土地 + fug 逃,逃离 + e → 逃到地下〔以求解脱的计谋〕→ 诡计



Eventually, with the aid of a little subterfuge, he got her to agree.


Stempel, who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved.


To effect this bit of subterfuge, make a simple change in the/ etc/ ssh/ sshd_config file.

为了实现这个小措施,只需在/etc/ssh/sshd config文件中做简单的修改。

The Lurker focuses on spies, cloaks and subterfuge to devastate opponents.


The dark Ones have reached the end of their reign, and no amount of subterfuge, covert actions or attempts to blackmail or threaten people will restore them to power.


Network Phishing attacks use both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers 'personal identity data and financial account credentials.
