assist v. 帮助
as 加强 + sist 站立 → 站起来帮助别人 → 帮助
assistant n. 助手
assist 帮助 + ant 表人 → 助手
consist v. 由…组成;与…一致
con 共同 + sist 站立 → 站到一起 → 由…组成
consistence n. 坚固性
con 共同 + sist 站立 + ence 表状态 → 坚定地站在一起 → 坚固性
desist v. 停止
de 加强 + sist 站立 → 站着不动 → 停止
exist v. 存在
ex 使… + ist〔= sist〕站立 → 使立足 → 存在
existence n. 存在
exist 存在 + ence 性质,状态,行为 → 存在
insist v. 坚持
in 使… + sist 站立 → 一直站着 → 坚持
insistence n. 坚持
insist 坚持 + ence 性质,状态,行为 → 坚持
irresistible adj. 不可反抗的
ir 不 + resist 反抗 + ible 可…的 → 不可反抗的
persist v. 坚持到底
per 自始至终 + sist 站立 → 始终站着 → 坚持到底
persistent adj. 坚持的;顽固的
persist 坚持到底 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 坚持的;顽固的
resist v. 反抗
re 反 + sist 站立 → 站在对面 → 对立
resistance n. 反抗;抵抗力
resist 反抗 + ance 状态,性质,状况 → 反抗;抵抗力
subsist v. 生存
sub 下 + sist 站立 → 站下去 → 坚持活下去 → 生存
subsistence n. 生存
subsist 生存 + ence 表状态 → 生存
To get a long-term subsistence and continuous development, Corporation patent strategy should be based on the core competence.
However, people in the world continue to face challenges and threats to subsistence security.
Most African economies remain dependent on subsistence agriculture and, hence, the weather.
Citizens 'lawful earnings, savings, houses and other means of subsistence;
Millions of people are moving from subsistence farming to urban manufacturing, resulting in a massive boost to output.
People's Rights to Subsistence and Development