constrain v. 强迫,强制
con 加强 + strain 拉紧 → 使劲拉 → 强迫
constrict v. 压缩
con 加强 + strict 拉紧 → 拉到一起 → 压缩
constriction n. 压缩
con 加强 + strict 拉紧 + ion 动作或状态 → 压缩
constringe v. 使收缩
con 加强 + string 拉紧 + e → 使劲拉 → 使收缩
constringent adj. 收缩性的
con 加强 + string 拉紧 + ent,constringe 的形容词 → 收缩性的
distrain v. 扣押财产
di〔s〕剥夺 + strain 拉紧 → 把〔财产〕拉走 → 扣押财产
overstrain v. 过度紧张
over 过度 + strain 拉紧 → 过度紧张
restrain v. 抑制;限制
re 一再 + strain 拉紧 → 一再拉紧 → 限制
restrict v. 限制,限定
re 一再 + strict 拉紧 → 一再拉紧 → 限制
restriction n. 限制
re 一再 + strict 拉紧 + ion,restrict 的名词 → 限制
strain v. 尽力拉
strain n. 工作过度
strict adj. 严厉的,严格的
stricture n. 谴责;非难
strict 拉紧 + ure 表行为 → 严厉 → 谴责
stringent adj. 紧迫的
string 拉紧 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 →〔时间被〕拉紧 → 紧迫的
stringency n. 紧急;严厉
string 拉紧 + ency 表状态 → 紧急;严厉
All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice
Many cultures still have fairly strict rules about women displaying unbound hair.
The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC
You seem too strict with your young ones.
Dorothy was described as a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job.
Local councils should use their powers to ensure strict observance of laws.