demi-fixed adj. 半固定的
demi 半 + fix 固定 + ed 已…的,被…的 → 半固定的
demigod n. 半神半人
demi 半 + god 神 → 半神半人
demiwolf n. 半狼之兽
demi 半 + wolf 狼 → 半狼之兽
hemicycle n. 半圆形
hemi 半 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 半圆形
hemisect n. 对半切
hemi 半 + sect 切 → 切一半 → 对半切
hemisphere n. 半球
hemi 半 + spher 球 + e → 半球
semiannual adj. 一年两次的
semi 半 + ann 年 + ual 有…性质的 → 半年一次 → 一年两次的
semiautomatic adj. 半自动的
semi 半 + automatic 自动的 → 半自动的
semicircle n. 半圆
semi 半 + circle 圆 → 半圆
semicolony n. 半殖民地
semi 半 + colony 殖民地 → 半殖民地
semicommercial adj. 半商业性的
semi 半 + commercial 商业的 → 半商业性的
semiconductor n. 半导体
semi 半 + conductor 导体 → 半导体
semiconscious adj. 半清醒的;半意识的
semi 半 + conscious 有意识的 → 半清醒的;半意识的
semifinal n./adj. 半决赛(的)
semi 半 + final 决赛 → 半决赛(的)
semiliterate n. 半文盲
semi 半 + literate 有文化的 → 只有一半文化水平 → 半文盲
semimonthly n. 半月刊
semi 半 + monthly 月刊 → 半月刊
semiofficial adj. 半官方的
semi 半 + official 官方的 → 半官方的
semiprecious adj. 次贵重的
semi 半 + precious 贵重的 → 次贵重的
semiskilled adj. 半熟练的
semi 半 + skilled 熟练的 → 半熟练的
semiweekly n. 半周刊
semi 半 + weekly 周刊 → 半周刊
For instance, it is likely that comments of this kind could be tied in with some sort of literate ( or at least, semiliterate) programming framework.
Because to misspell is human; to have no idea of correct spelling is to be semiliterate.
We're working on projects like a visual interface that will enable illiterate or semiliterate people to use a PC instantly, with minimal training.
Male, older age, mobile population, illiterate/ semiliterate, and self-injury/ suicide were important risk factors for moderate and sever injury.
First, a normal writing, the semiliterate handwriting characteristics: Literacy isless, Writing the action habit is less stable, the writing level is low.
Education level concentrated in junior high school cultural degree, illiteracy and semiliterate will be gradually eliminated, but Education degree above high school is still low, and women is less than men.