

cub, cumb= to lie down 躺

accumbent adj. 卧着的

ac 加强 + cumb 躺 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 躺着的 → 卧着的

concubine n. 情妇,妾

con 共同 + cub 躺 + ine 表女人 → 一起躺着的女人 → 情妇

cubicle n. 小卧室

cubi〔=cub〕躺 + cle 小 → 躺的小地方 → 小卧室

cumbersome adj. 笨重的;累赘的

cumb 躺 + er 反复动作 + some 易于…的 → 经常躺着的 → 笨重的

encumber v. 妨害,阻碍

en 使… + cumb 躺 + er 表反复动作 → 把人绊倒 → 妨害

incubate v. 孵卵;伏巢

in 使… + cub 躺 + ate 使… → 使躺着〔产生新生命〕→ 孵卵

incubator n. 孵卵器;(早产儿)育儿箱


incubus n. 梦魇

in 进入 + cub 躺 + us 表名词,用于科学术语 → 躺着睡觉时做的噩梦 → 梦魇

incumbent n. 任职者;牧师

in 进入 + cumb 躺 + ent 表人 → 躺着占位的 → 位于〔官位〕上的人 → 任职者

recumbent adj. 斜躺着的

re 回 + cumb 躺 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 往回躺的 → 斜躺着的

succumb v. 屈从;死亡

suc 下 + cumb 躺 → 躺下去 → 屈从;死亡



The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.


He still may wear glasses, one face is bashful, recumbent the service is done to be born in theatrical closet get along, often making make a meteoric rise fond dream, spend lifetime at this point.


Methods: Forty patients with closed fracture of nasal bone were inspected by nasal endoscope, and were operated on the nasal bone replacement in the recumbent position under the local infiltration anesthesia in the collapse location of nasal bone fracture.


Human exposure to whole-body vibration in recumbent position is more complex than human in seated and standing position, therefore the method of vibration damping and the evaluation of comfort are scarce now.


Map Feature of the Region with Early Recumbent Fold


It is urgent to evaluation the vibration comfort of the recumbent persons, the comfort evaluation adapted to the vibration.
