confuse v. 使混乱
con 共同 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 流到一起 → 使混乱
diffuse v. 散播
dif 分开 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 分流 → 散播
diffuse adj. 四散的
effuse v. 流出;吐露
ef 出 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 流出;吐露
effusive adj. 热情洋溢的;溢出的
ef 出 + fus 流,泻;融化 + ive …的 →〔感情〕流出的 → 溢出的
infuse v. 注入,灌输
in 进入 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 流进去 → 注入
profuse adj. 丰富的;浪费的
pro 向前 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 不断向前涌出的 → 丰富的
refuse v. 拒绝
re 相反 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 向回流 → 拒绝
refute v. 反驳,驳斥
re 反 + fut〔= fus〕流,泻;融化 + e → 反流 → 反驳
suffuse v. 充满;弥漫于
suf 下 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e → 在下面流〔得到处都是〕→ 充满
transfuse v. 输血;倾注
trans 横过 + fus 流,泻;融化 + e →〔让血〕穿过 → 输血
There were profuse apologies for its absence.
Lilac of northern China having ovate leaves and profuse early summer rose-lilac flowers.
Much more rapidly, we found that the heating is causing profuse growth of the sagebrush.
The Major gave her abundant opportunities of exhibiting this emotion: being profuse in his complaints, at dinner, of her desertion of him and Princess's Place: and as he appeared to derive great enjoyment from making them, they all got on very well.
Profuse blossoms, flowers, apologies, gratitude, thanks They deeply appreciated his kindness.
Suddenly the door," Ziya "A opened, profuse sweating and Song were back.