

cre, creas, cret= to grow, to make 增长;产生;做

concretion n. 凝结;结石

con 共同 + cret 增长;产生;做 + ion 表动作 → 共同制造 → 凝结

create v. 创造

cre 增长;产生;做 + ate 使… → 产生 → 创造

creature n. 生物;创造物

crea 产生 + ture 与行为有关之物 → 生物;创造物

crescent n. 新月

cr〔= cre〕增长;产生;做 + escent 开始出现…的 → 开始慢慢变大的〔月亮〕→ 新月

decrease v. 减少

de 向下 + creas 增长;产生;做 + e → 负增加 → 减少

decrement n. 减少

de 向下 + cre 增长;产生;做 + ment 表结果 → 减少

decrescent adj. 渐小的;(月)下弦的

de 减少 + crescent 新月 → 渐小的;(月)下弦的

increase v./n. 增加

in 使… + creas 增长;产生;做 + e → 增加

increment n. 增加

in 使… + cre 增长;产生;做 + ment 表名词 → 增加

procreate v. 繁殖;生产

pro 向前 + cre 增长;产生;做 + ate 做,造成,使… → 不断创造 → 繁殖

recreate v. 消遣;娱乐

re 一再 + cre 增长;产生;做 + ate 做,造成,使… → 一再做〔放松活动〕→ 消遣

recreation n. 消遣;娱乐


secrete v. 藏匿;分泌

se 分开 + cret 增长;产生;做 + e → 分开产生物质 → 分泌



Such humans have multiplied and equate to60% of the current world population; such humans believe that the only purpose of life is to marry and procreate; or find preoccupations that entertain or make one wealthy.


Experiment results is cue, that drinking magnetized water could significance improve fertility or procreate ability of ribbits.


Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.


Every survivor gets a chance to procreate ( and it is important that procreation is never denied to a survivor, only made less likely if he is less fit).


The couple who are both One-Child can procreate two children in most areas of China according Chinese population policy.


The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible.
