plumage n. 羽毛
plum 羽毛 + age 表总称 → 羽毛
plumate adj. 似羽毛的,具羽毛的
plum 羽毛 + ate 有…性质的 → 似羽毛的,具羽毛的
plume v. 整理…的羽毛;挫某人的骄气
plum 羽毛 + e → 整理…的羽毛;挫某人的骄气
anchorage n. 停泊地
anchor 铁锚 + age 场所 → 停泊地
hermitage n. 隐士住处
hermit 隐士 + age 场所 → 隐士住处
village n. 村庄
vill〔a〕别墅 + age 场所 → 别墅一般都在郊外 → 村庄
postage n. 邮费
post 邮局 + age 费用 → 邮费
railage n. 铁路运费
rail 铁路 + age 费用 → 铁路运费
towage n. 拖(车、船)费
tow 拖 + age 费用 → 拖(车、船)费
waterage n. 水运费
water 水 + age 费用 → 水运费
advantage n. 优势
advant 前面 + age 状态,情况,身份及其他 → 领先 → 优势
patronage n. 赞助;惠顾
patron 赞助人 + age 状态,情况,身份及其他 → 赞助;惠顾
shortage n. 缺少
short 缺乏 + age 状态,情况,身份及其他 → 缺少
visage n. 面貌
vis 看 + age 状态,情况,身份及其他 → 面貌
European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage. Meanwhile, orioles and other birds sing merrily.
Common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage.
The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females
Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.
Both whoopers and snow geese have white plumage with black wingtips, so the hunting season demands strict control.
Old world gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill.