

1 半;类似;辅助

paralegal n. 律师的助手

para 半;类似;辅助 + legal 法律的 → 辅助法律的 → 律师的助手

parallel adj. 平行的;类似的

para 半;类似;辅助 + llel 线 → 平行的

paralogism n. 不合逻辑的推论

para 半;类似;辅助 + log 说话 + ism 具备某种性质,特征 → 似乎符合说话的标准 → 不合逻辑的推论

paramedic n. 医务辅助人员

para 半;类似;辅助 + medic 医生 → 医务辅助人员

paramilitary adj. 准军事的

para 半;类似;辅助 + military 军事的 → 准军事的

parapolitical adj. 半政治的

para 半;类似;辅助 + political 政治的 → 半政治的

2 旁边;超;外

paradigm n. 示范

para 旁边;超;外 + digm 显示 → 在旁边显示给〔别人〕看 → 示范

paradigmatic adj. 作为示范的


paradox n. 悖论,自相矛盾

para 旁边;超;外 + dox 教,观点 → 观点边有观点 → 自相矛盾

paragon n. 典范

para 旁边;超;外 + gon 角 → 超过一般的顶尖人物 → 典范

paralyze v. 使瘫痪

para 旁边;超;外 + lyz〔 = lys分开〕+ e → 身体〔不听大脑支配〕像与自己分开了一样 → 使瘫痪

paranormal adj. 异常的

para 旁边;超;外 + normal 正常的 → 超过正常的 → 异常的

3 保护 ,引申为“伞”

parachute n. 降落伞

para 伞 + chut 降下 + e → 降落的时候给予保护 → 降落伞

parachutist n. 跳伞人;伞兵

para 伞 + chut 降下 + ist 从事某职业的人 → 跳伞人;伞兵

paradrop n. 空投

para 伞 + drop 扔下 → 空投

paraglide n. 滑翔伞

para 伞 + glide 滑翔 → 滑翔伞

paratroops n. 伞兵部队

para 伞 + troops 部队 → 伞兵部队



We paralyze ourselves with the auto-response "I don't know." We tell ourselves that we'll figure it out in the future, but we'll likely never know how everything will turn out in advance.


You Can Change Your Mind Dont let the fear of making a wrong choice paralyze you.


Now is the moment to decide what control your fear will have over you& whether it will paralyze you or motivate you.


Otherwise, my dread of criticism can paralyze me.


The observation which accumulates to adopt a SPR method a treatment thousand near spasm brains to paralyze for more than ten years realizes.


A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself.
