

oss(e), ossi, oste(o)= bone 骨

fossify v. 变成化石

foss〔= oss〕骨 + ify 使… → 变成化石

fossil n. 化石

foss 骨 + il → 化石

osseous adj. 骨头的

oss 骨 + eous …的 → 骨头的

ossific adj. 成骨的

oss 骨 + ific 产生…的 → 产生骨的 → 成骨的

ossiform adj. 骨形的

ossi 骨 + form 形状 → 骨形的

ossify v. 骨化;使僵化

oss 骨 + ify …化 → 骨化

osteitis n. 骨炎

oste 骨 + itis 表炎症 → 骨炎

-fy, -ify 表动词,“使”

beautify v. 美化

beauty 美 + ify 使 → 美化

certify v. 证明

cert 搞清,区别 + ify 使 → 使清楚 → 证明

classify v. 分类,归类

class 种类 + ify 使 → 分类,归类

codify v. 编成法典;编纂

code 编码 + ify 使 → 编成法典;编纂

dignify v. 使尊贵,使高贵

dign 高贵的 + ify 使 → 使尊贵,使高贵

diversify v. (使)多样化

diverse 多样的 + ify 使 → (使)多样化

exemplify v. 举例证明

example 例子 + ify 使 → 举例证明

fortify v. 筑防御工事

fort 要塞 + ify 使 → 筑防御工事

glorify v. 颂扬

glor 光荣 + ify 使 → 使)光荣 → 颂扬

horrify v. (使)恐惧

horror 恐惧 + ify 使 → (使)恐惧

humidify v. 使潮湿

humid 潮湿的 + ify 使 → 使潮湿

intensify v. 加强

intense 强烈的 + ify 使 → 加强

justify v. 表明或证明…正当(或有理)的

just 正义的 + ify 使 → 表明或证明…正当(或有理)的

liquefy v. (使)液化

lique 液体 + fy 使 → (使)液化

magnify v. 放大;夸大

magn 大 + ify 使 → 放大;夸大

modify v. 修改

mod 模式 + ify 使 → 使模式化 → 修改

nullify v. 使无效,抵消

null 无效的 + ify 使 → 使无效,抵消

ossify v. 硬化,骨化

oss 骨 + ify 使 → 硬化,骨化

purify v. 净化

pur 纯洁 + ify 使 → 净化

satisfy v. (使)满足

satis 饱,满 + fy 使 → (使)满足

uglify v. 丑化

ugly 丑陋的 + ify 使 → 丑化



Conclusion: The causes of abnormal long-T1 and short-T2 imaging in MRI, we think that the osteosclerosis in small joint of spine is a common cause except the subflavous ligament thicken and/ or ossify.


Begin with and ossify over time, beginning from the hoof and working up the leg.


Takes an exam the student thinking mode which the education creates to ossify, student heavy knowledge grasping, light thinking mode training.


Achild's cartilage starts to ossify at a very young age.


Study on Ossify in Vivo of Human BMSc Induced by PRP and Mixing Culture of Human BMSc with Discrepant Zygosity


Without this intermediation, money would not change hands, economic growth would stall and society would ossify, as inheritance replaced entrepreneurship as the principal means of wealth transfer.
