

1 逆,倒;反对,否定

object v. 反对

ob 逆,倒;反对,否定 + ject 扔 → 逆着〔某物〕扔〔东西〕→ 反对

obloquy n. 辱骂;指责

ob 逆,倒;反对,否定 + loqu 说话 + y 表状态 → 说不好的话 → 辱骂;指责

obstruct v. 妨碍,阻止

ob 逆,倒;反对,否定 + struct 建造 → 反着建 → 妨碍

obverse n./adj. 正面(的)

ob 逆,倒;反对,否定 + vers 转 + e → 倒转过来 → 正面

opponent n. 对手

op 逆,倒;反对,否定 + pon 放置 + ent 表人 → 反着站 → 对手

opponent adj. 对立的

oppose v. 反对,反抗

op 逆,倒;反对,否定 + pos 放 + e → 放在〔某物〕的对立面 → 反对

opposite adj. 对立的

op 逆,倒;反对,否定 + posit 放 + e 对着〔某物〕放的 → 对立的

opposite n. 对立面(物)

2 表加强

obdurate adj. 固执的

ob 表加强 + dur 持久,坚硬 + ate 有…性质的 → 固执的

oblong n. 长方形

ob 表加强 + long 长 → 长方形

obnoxious adj. 可憎的

ob 表加强 + nox 毒 + ious …的 → 歹毒的 → 可憎的

observe v. 遵守

ob 表加强 + serv 保持 + e → 一直保持 → 遵守

obsess v. 迷住

ob 表加强 + sess〔 = sit坐〕→ 坐着不走 → 迷住

obtain v. 获得

ob 表加强 + tain 拿住 → 稳稳拿住 → 获得

obtrude v. 突出;强加

ob 表加强 + trud 推,冲 + e → 硬是向前推 → 强加

oppress v. 压迫;使(心情等)沉重

op 表加强 + press 压 → 压下去 → 压迫

oppression n. 压迫;郁闷




Reverse and Obverse Mixed Rebuilding of the Vane of Wind Power Generator


The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.


On the obverse, two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of young victorious athlete.


The concept of faith degree of grey information and its calculating formulas were given when the concept of cut sets in the obverse and the reverse of grey information was presented.


When children has completed, remember to give him obverse and positive encouragement.


We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.
