

gam= marriage 婚姻

bigamy n. 重婚罪

bi 二 + gam 婚姻 + y 表行为 →〔同时存在于〕两个婚姻 → 重婚罪

monogamy n. 一夫一妻制

mono 一个 + gam 婚姻 + y 表名词 → 一夫一妻制

polygamy n. 一夫多妻制

poly 多个 + gam 婚姻 + y 表名词 → 一夫多妻制

mono- 单个, 一个

monarch n. 君主,帝王

mon 单个,一个 + arch 统治者 → 一个人统治 → 君主

monochrome n. 单色

mono 单个,一个 + chrom 颜色 + e → 单色

monocle n. 单片眼镜

mono 单个,一个 + cle 小 → 只有一个小镜片的眼镜 → 单片眼镜

monogamy n. 一夫一妻制

mono 单个,一个 + gam 婚姻 + y 表性质 → 一夫一妻制

monograph n. 专题论文

mono 单个,一个 + graph 写,画 → 写一个主题 → 专题论文

monolith n. 独石;独石碑

mono 单个,一个 + lith 石头 → 一块石头 → 独石

monologue n. 独白

mono 单个,一个 + logu 说话 + e → 一个人说 → 独白

monomania n. 偏执狂

mono 单个,一个 + mania …狂 → 总是坚持一件事的 → 偏执狂

monorail n. 单轨

mono 单个,一个 + rail 铁轨 → 单轨

monosyllable n. 单音节词

mono 单个,一个 + syllable 音节 → 单音节词

monotone n. 单调

mono 单个,一个 + ton 声音 + e → 只有一种声音 → 单调



Although they're not married, thay've lived in a state of monogamy for years.


Can prostitution disappear without dragging monogamy with it into the abyss?


Concubines resulted from the marriage system of monogamy with several concubines, and the system of concubines developed to the top in the Qing Dynasty.


Monogamy guarantees that every man can find a wife.


Between pairing marriage and monogamy intervenes a period in the upper stage of barbarism when men have female slaves at their command and polygamy is practiced.


FROM an evolutionary perspective, monogamy looks good for females and bad for males.
