

mis- 错误;坏

misapply v. 误用

mis 错误;坏 + apply 应用 → 误用

misapprehend v. 误解

mis 错误;坏 + apprehend 理解 → 误解

misbehaviour n. 不礼貌

mis 错误;坏 + behaviour 行为 → 坏行为 → 不礼貌

miscalculate v. 误算

mis 错误;坏 + calculate 计算 → 误算

misdeed n. 错误行为

mis 错误;坏 + deed 行为 → 错误行为

misdoing n. 坏事

mis 错误;坏 + doing 做事 → 坏事

misfortune n. 不幸

mis 错误;坏 + fortune 好运 → 不幸

misguide v. 误导

mis 错误;坏 + guide 指导 → 误导

mishap n. 坏运气

mis 错误;坏 + hap 运气 → 坏运气

misinform v. 向…提供错误信息

mis 错误;坏 + inform 通知 → 向…提供错误信息

misinterpret v. 误解

mis 错误;坏 + interpret 解释 → 误解

misjudge v. 判断错误

mis 错误;坏 + judge 判断 → 判断错误

mislead v. 领错路

mis 错误;坏 + lead 引导 → 领错路

misnomer n. 名字的误用

mis 错误;坏 + nom 名字 + er 物 → 名字的误用

misread v. 读错

mis 错误;坏 + read 阅读 → 读错

misrule v. 对…施暴政

mis 错误;坏 + rule 统治 → 错误的统治 → 对…施暴政

misspell v. 拼写错误

mis 错误;坏 + spell 拼写 → 拼写错误

mistrust v./n. 不信任

mis 错误;坏 + trust 相信 → 不信任

misunderstand v. 误解

mis 错误;坏 + understand 理解 → 误解

misuse v./n. 误用;虐待

mis 错误;坏 + use 用 → 误用;虐待



First, accept that misbehaviour is going to happen, particularly where so much money is at stake.


If the toddler had been dealt with properly at first, the rest of his misbehaviour would have been avoided.


Italian football is still struggling with crowd misbehaviour and racism is still prevalent at many grounds.


Do you think you are a person who is excessively cautious and always worry about the mistakes and misbehaviour done before.


His misbehaviour eventually led to him being expelled from school.


Operating companies in line with this belief not only leads to misbehaviour but may also militate against their true social aim, which is to generate greater prosperity.
