microbe n. 微生物
micro 小,微小 + be〔 = bio生命〕→ 微生物
microbiology n. 微生物学
micro 小,微小 + biology 生物学 → 微生物学
microbus n. 小型公共汽车
micro 小,微小 + bus 公共汽车 → 小型公共汽车
microchip n. 微芯片
micro 小,微小 + chip 芯片 → 微芯片
microcosm n. 微观世界
micro 小,微小 + cosm 宇宙,世界 → 微观世界
microelement n. 微量元素
micro 小,微小 + element 元素 → 微量元素
microfilm n. 微缩胶卷
micro 小,微小 + film 胶片 → 微缩胶卷
microorganism n. 微生物
micro 小,微小 + organism 生物 → 微生物
microphone n. 麦克风
micro 小,微小 + phon 声音 + e → 将小的声音放大 → 麦克风
microprint n. 缩影相片
micro 小,微小 + print 印刷物,照片 → 缩影相片
microprocessor n. 微处理器
micro 小,微小 + processor 处理器 → 微处理器
microscope n. 显微镜
micro 小,微小 + scop 观察,镜 + e → 看微小东西的镜 → 显微镜
microskirt n. 超短裙
micro 小,微小 + skirt 裙子 → 超短裙
microwave n. 微波(炉)
micro 小,微小 + wave 波 → 微波(炉)
microworld n. 微观世界
micro 小,微小 + world 世界 → 微观世界
There is a microwave oven and two MP3 players in my family.
She has a microwave, but uses it mainly for defrosting bread
The development of microwave radar during the World War II also had immense consequences for solid-state physics.
We sent questionnaires to both manufacturers and users of microwave ovens.
The effects of microwave roasting pretreatment on leaching behavior of diaspore ore were investigated.
The combination of microwave irradiation and high pressure conditions opens new doors in research and production.