maternal adj. 母亲的,母性的
matern 母性,母亲 + al …的 → 母亲的,母性的
maternity n. 母性;产科医院
matern 母性,母亲 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 母性;产科医院
matriarch n. 女家长
matri 母性,母亲 + arch 统治者 → 女家长
matriarchy n. 母系制
matri 母性,母亲 + archy 统治 → 母系制
matrimony n. 结婚,婚姻
matri 母性,母亲 + mony 表行为的结果 → 结婚后会成为母亲 → 婚姻
matrix n. 母体;子宫
matri 母性,母亲 + x → 母亲 → 母体
matron n. 主妇;保姆
matr 母性,母亲 + on 表人 → 母亲 → 主妇
anarchic adj. 无政府主义的
an 无 + arch 统治者 + ic …的 → 无统治者的 → 无政府主义的
anarchism n. 无政府主义
an 无 + arch 统治者 + ism 表主义 → 无政府主义
matriarch n. 女家长
matri 母亲 + arch 统治者 → 女家长
monarch n. 君主,帝王
mon 一个 + arch 统治者 → 一个人统治 → 君主
patriarch n. 家长;族长
patri 父亲 + arch 统治者 → 父亲统治 → 族长
It is this male-leaving behavior that highlights the matriarch elephant family.
In some cases it may include one of the matriarch's sisters and her offspring as well.
The Motherly Matriarch ( Mazu) cult began in the coastal areas and has lasted for one thousand years.
Now Swift is defending herself to the family matriarch and everyone else against accusations that she crashed Ethel cousin Kyle Kennedys wedding in August, upstaged the bride and infuriated her potential grandmother-in-law.
I know the vestal matriarch has sworn the temple will not take sides.
The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house.