

man(i), manu= hand 手

emanate v. 散发;发出

e 出 + man 手 + ate 做,造成,使… → 用手散发 → 发出

manacle n. 手铐;束缚

man 手 + acle 表物 → 手上的东西 → 手铐

manage v. 处理;管理

man 手 + age 表行为 → 用手做 → 处理;引申为管理

maniacal adj. 狂热的

mani 手 + acal 具有…性质的 → 手停不下来的 → 狂热的

manicure n. 修指甲(术);修指甲师

mani 手 + cure 治疗 → 修指甲

manicure v. 修剪

manifest adj. 明显的

mani 手 + fest 打击 → 用手打出 → 不隐藏 → 明显的

manifest v. 表明;证实

manual adj. 手工的

man 手 + ual 属于…的 → 用手做的 → 手工的

manual n. 手册

manufacture v./n. 制造(业)

manu 手 + fact 做 + ure 行为 → 用手做 → 制造

manumit v. 解放;释放

manu 手 + mit 放 → 把手放了 → 释放

manuscript n. 手抄本;原稿

manu 手 + script 写 → 手抄本



Not only did Ashton get the many looks of Steve brown beard, no beard, gray beard, etc but also the mercurial and often maniacal mannerisms.


America has absolutely no consensus on how to restore budget balance, as it is trapped between a federal government that provides too few public investments and services and a public that is almost maniacal in its opposition to tax rises.


If we can get every health care worker to be nearly maniacal about hand hygiene in surgery, the same must be possible for the health care system as a whole.


The common clinical manifestation of maniacal despondent mental diseases is attack of despondent and maniacal condition in turn.


The easy deficiency, suficiency of vital energy is heart and liver causes attack of despondent and maniacal symptoms.


Markets mostly encourage a near maniacal focus on short-term financial results, tolerance of disparities of opportunity, and an apparent disregard for the common good.
