

mal-, male- 坏, 恶

maladaptive adj. 不适应的

mal 坏,恶 + adaptive 适应的 → 不适应的

maladjusted adj. 失调的

mal 坏,恶 + adjust 调整 + ed 已…的,被…的 → 失调的

maladroit adj. 笨拙的

mal 坏,恶 + adroit 灵巧的 → 笨拙的

malcontent adj. 不满的

mal 坏,恶 + content 满意的 → 不满的

malediction n. 恶言;诅咒

male 坏,恶 + dict 说 + ion 表动作 → 说坏话 → 恶言

malefaction n. 罪恶,犯罪

male 坏,恶 + fact 做 + ion 动作或状态 → 做坏事 → 犯罪

malevolent adj. 恶意的

male 坏,恶 + vol 意愿 + ent 具有…性质的 → 恶意的

malfunction n. 失灵

mal 坏,恶 + function 功能 → 失灵

malice n. 恶意

mal 坏,恶 + ice 表性质 → 心眼坏 → 恶意

malign adj. 邪恶的

mal 坏,恶 + ign → 邪恶的

malignant adj. 恶性的

mal 坏,恶 + ign + ant …的 → 恶性的

malnutrition n. 营养不良

mal 坏,恶 + nutrition 营养 → 营养不良

malodor n. 恶臭

mal 坏,恶 + odor 气味 → 恶臭

malpractice n. 玩忽职守

mal 坏,恶 + practice 做事,实践 → 不好好做事 → 玩忽职守

maltreat v. 虐待

mal 坏,恶 + treat 对待 → 虐待



MMP-7 can be regard as the biological marker that reflect malignant degree and evaluate prognosis in colorectal cancer.


Gallbladder cancer is a disease in which malignant ( cancer) cells form in the tissues of the gallbladder.


Relapse and metastasis are the main causes responsible for failure of surgical operation in treating malignant tumors.


Background and objective Malignant pleural effusions commonly occur in patients with advanced cancer.


This case report describes a patient with a malignant insulinoma which originated from an intrasplenic heterotopic pancreas.


Relatively small doses of radiation during infancy and childhood increase the risk of developing benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms.
