autograph n. 亲笔字
auto 自己 + graph 写,画 → 自己写的字 → 亲笔字
biographer n. 传记作家
bio 生命 + graph 写,画 + er 表名词 → 记录下自己生活的人 → 传记作家
diagram n. 图解,图表
dia 穿过 + gram 写,画 → 交叉画图 → 图解
dictograph n. 侦听器
dicto〔= dict 说〕+ graph 写,画 → 把说的记下 → 侦听器
epigram n. 警句,格言
epi 在…上 + gram 写,画 → 画上,写上 → 警句,格言
epigrammatic adj. 警句的;简洁的
epigraph n. 碑文;题词
epi 在…上 + graph 写,画 → 写在上边的字 →〔文前〕题词
grammar n. 语法,文法
gramm〔= gram〕写,画 + ar 表物 → 写的〔规则〕→ 语法
gramophone n. 留声机
gramo〔= gram〕写,画 + phon 声音 + e → 写下声音 → 留声机
lexicography n. 辞典编纂
lexico 词,词典 + graph 写,画 + y 表名词 → 编写词典 → 辞典编纂
monograph n. 专题论文
mono 一个 + graph 写,画 → 为讨论一个问题所写的字 → 专题论文
photograph n. 相片
photo 光 + graph 写,画 → 用光画 → 相片
program n. 计划;提纲
pro 在前 + gram 写,画 → 事前写好的东西 → 计划;提纲
seismogram n. 地震图
seismo 地震 + gram 写,画 → 地震图
The long history of lexicography.
This thesis mainly studies Noah Webster's lexicographical principles and explores their development and influence on lexicography in English.
He had done research on geography, catalogue, edition, inscription and calligraphy as well as classic, ancient lexicography and collecting the discovered ones all his life.
The nominal definition is a important part to the explanation of the word and phrase which is studied not only by lexical semantic and lexicography but also by logic.
The chapters 2 and 3 introduced the general theories about lexicography and learning lexicography.
Leipian inherits the achievement in the Fanqie phonetic transcription in Jiyun with innovation, showing the progress in language research and lexicography in the Tang and Song Dynasty.