

rupt= to break 破, 断裂

abrupt adj. 突然的

ab 离去 + rupt 破,断裂 → 断开 → 突然断开 → 突然的

bankrupt adj. 破产的

bank 银行 + rupt 破,断裂 → 银行倒闭 → 破产的

bankruptcy n. 破产

bankrupt 破产的 + cy 状态 → 破产

corrupt adj. 腐败的

cor 加强 + rupt 破,断裂 → 破坏组织肌体 → 腐败的

corruption n. 腐败

cor 加强 + rupt 破,断裂 + ion 表状态 → 腐败

disrupt v. 分裂;瓦解

dis 加强 + rupt 破,断裂 → 裂开 → 分裂

disruption n. 分裂;瓦解

dis 加强 + rupt 破,断裂 + ion 表名词 → 分裂;瓦解

erupt v. 爆发;喷出

e 出 + rupt 破,断裂 → 破裂而喷出 → 爆发

eruption n. 爆发

e 出 + rupt 破,断裂 + ion 表名词 → 爆发

interrupt v. 打断

inter 在…之间 + rupt 破,断裂 → 在〔讲话〕中间打断 → 打断

interruption n. 打断;插嘴

inter 在…之间 + rupt 破,断裂 + ion,interrupt 的名词 → 打断;插嘴

rupture n. 破裂;断绝

rupt 破,断裂 + ure 表行为 → 破裂;断绝



The interruption of this cycle is bad for the protection of the whole environment.


In case we receive substandard goods we will return them back leading to interruption of our business.


When the problems in the code have been fixed, you still need to consider interruption thresholds.

代码中的问题修复后,您还需要考虑中断阈值(interruption thresholds)。

This means the interruption threshold is unacceptable.


The quality of being intermittent; subject to interruption or periodic stopping.


The proposed Student Center would introduce a spatial interruption along this corridor system.
