

sist= to stand 站立

assist v. 帮助

as 加强 + sist 站立 → 站起来帮助别人 → 帮助

assistant n. 助手

assist 帮助 + ant 表人 → 助手

consist v. 由…组成;与…一致

con 共同 + sist 站立 → 站到一起 → 由…组成

consistence n. 坚固性

con 共同 + sist 站立 + ence 表状态 → 坚定地站在一起 → 坚固性

desist v. 停止

de 加强 + sist 站立 → 站着不动 → 停止

exist v. 存在

ex 使… + ist〔= sist〕站立 → 使立足 → 存在

existence n. 存在

exist 存在 + ence 性质,状态,行为 → 存在

insist v. 坚持

in 使… + sist 站立 → 一直站着 → 坚持

insistence n. 坚持

insist 坚持 + ence 性质,状态,行为 → 坚持

irresistible adj. 不可反抗的

ir 不 + resist 反抗 + ible 可…的 → 不可反抗的

persist v. 坚持到底

per 自始至终 + sist 站立 → 始终站着 → 坚持到底

persistent adj. 坚持的;顽固的

persist 坚持到底 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 坚持的;顽固的

resist v. 反抗

re 反 + sist 站立 → 站在对面 → 对立

resistance n. 反抗;抵抗力

resist 反抗 + ance 状态,性质,状况 → 反抗;抵抗力

subsist v. 生存

sub 下 + sist 站立 → 站下去 → 坚持活下去 → 生存

subsistence n. 生存

subsist 生存 + ence 表状态 → 生存



Since you insist, I'll embarrass myself and sing for you.


My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight


If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead.


I love you, I hope you can and I do insist.


'It's not that difficult,' she insists


He continues to insist that all he wrote in the book is nothing but the truth, and that he will stand by his word.
