

1 = to have,to hold 有;拿

exhibit v. 展览;显示

ex 出 + hibit 有;拿 → 拿出 → 展览

habit n. 习惯(长期固有的 → 习惯)

habitual adj. 惯常的

habit 有;拿 + ual 有…性质的 → 惯常的

habituate v. 使习惯于

habit 有;拿 + uate 使 → 使习惯于

inhibit v. 禁止,阻止

in 不 + hibit 有;拿 → 不让拿 → 禁止

inhibitor n. 抑制剂

inhibit 禁止,阻止 + or 表器物 → 抑制剂

prohibit v. 阻止,禁止

pro 向前 + hibit 有;拿 → 在前面拿住 → 不让前进 → 阻止

prohibitive adj. 禁止的;价格极贵的

pro 向前 + hibit 有;拿 + ive …的 → 禁止的;价格极贵的

2 = dwell 居住

cohabit v. 同居

co 共同 + habit 居住 → 同居

habitable adj. 可居住的

habit 居住 + able 可…的 → 可居住的

habitant n. 居住者

habit 居住 + ant 人 → 居住者

habitat n. (动植物)居住地

habit 居住 + at 地方 → (动植物)居住地

inhabit v. 居住

in 使… + habit 居住 → 居住

inhabitant n. 住户,居民

inhabit 居住 + ant 表人 → 住户,居民

uninhabited adj. 杳无人迹的

un 无 + inhabit 居住 + ed 表形容词 → 无人居住的 → 杳无人迹的



The performance of synthesized parent corrosion inhibitor MNX and YSH series corrosion inhibitors was evaluated using zero-gravity test, and their anticorrosion mechanism was also discussed.


A potent irreversible inhibitor of serine proteases and acetyl choline esterase.


This study now demonstrates such an effect for a selective COX-2 inhibitor in a placebo-controlled randomized study.


Objective To investigate the effects ofelastase inhibitor on proliferation of the inner membrane of the artery.


Lignosulfonate extracted from pulping waste liquor was modified to study the feasibility of its use as a corrosion inhibitor.


What do the discovery and clinical application of proteinase inhibitor bring to us?
