conflation n. 合并
con 共同 + flat 吹 + ion 表名词 → 吹到一起 → 合并
deflate v. 放气;紧缩
de 去掉 + flat 吹 + e → 放气;紧缩
deflation n. 放气;通货紧缩
de 去掉 + flat 吹 + ion 表名词 → 放气;通货紧缩
flatulent adj. 自负的;浮夸的
flat 吹 + ulent 多…的 → 用多个鼻孔出气 → 自负的
inflate v. 充气
in 使… + flat 吹 + e → 吹气使膨胀 → 充气
inflation n. 充气;通货膨胀
in 使… + flat 吹 + ion 表名词 → 充气;通货膨胀
apprehension n. 理解;逮捕
apprehend 领会,逮捕,ap加强 + prehend 抓住 → 理解;逮捕
approbation n. 称赞;认可
approbate 称赞,ap加强 + prob 证明 + ate 做,造成,使… → 证明正确 → 称赞
concision n. 简洁
concise 简洁的,con加强 + cis 切 + e → 把多余的剪切掉 → 简洁的
dilapidation n. 破旧,荒废
dilapidate 倒塌,di分开 + lapid 石头 + ate 做,造成,使… →〔造房的〕石头一分为二 → 倒塌
discussion n. 讨论
discuss 讨论,dis分散 + cuss 摇动 → 分散敲击〔问题〕→ 讨论
inflation n. 通货膨胀
inflate 充气,in使… + flat 吹 + e → 吹气 → 充气
profusion n. 丰富;浪费
profuse 浪费的;充沛的,pro向前 + fus 流 + e → 不断向前流 → 浪费
accordion n. 手风琴
ac 加强 + cord 心 + ion 物,用品 → 抒发心声的〔琴〕→ 手风琴
carnation n. 康乃馨
carrion n. 腐肉
carr〔= carn〕+ ion 物,用品 → 腐肉
mansion n. 大厦
manse 住宅 + ion 物,用品 → 大厦
He fears inflation will ratchet up as the year ends
They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession
As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down.
Today's inflation figure is certainly too high
Inflation, which has usually been in single figures, is running at more than 12%
Inflation has jacked up the rate of unemployment.