double adj. 双倍的
doub 二,双 + le 使… → 双倍的
double v. 翻倍
doubt v./n. 怀疑
doub 二,双 + t → 两种状态〔兼有〕→ 怀疑
dual adj. 二重的;二元的
du 二,双 + al …的 → 二重的;二元的
dubious adj. 半信半疑的
dub 二,双 + ious …的 → 两种状态的 → 不肯定的
dubitable adj. 怀疑的,可疑的
dub 二,双 + it + able 可…的 → 两种状态的 → 半信半疑的 → 怀疑的
duel n. 决斗
du 二,双 + el〔= bell 斗〕→ 两个人的战斗 → 决斗
duet n. 二重唱
du 二,双 + et 小 → 双人小型〔演唱〕→ 二重唱
duplex adj. 二重的;二倍的
du 二,双 + plex 重叠 → 二重的;二倍的
duplicate v. 加倍;复制
du 二,双 + plic 重复 + ate 使… → 重复第二份 → 复制
duplicity n. 两重性;口是心非
du 二,双 + plic 重复 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 两种重复状态 → 两重性
indubitable adj. 无可置疑的
in 不 + dubitable 可疑的 → 无可置疑的
redouble v. 倍增;加强
re 再 + doub 二,双 + le 使… → 多个双数 → 倍增;加强
The arrival of the network times is an indubitable fact. It has brought the chance and challenge to the traditional library as well as the new developing juncture for the library expansion.
In certain historical period, the monarchism has indubitable legitimacy, when it is in vogue, a monarch's origin pedigree is even an important standard of judging its legitimacy too;
It is also the indubitable fact that developing stock market is important to the development of socialist market economy.
The researches on the reason for this indubitable fact, especially in the west, are gradually becoming an important study field, whose results are complex and complicated.
Although disputes still exist on the concept of feminism, the movements and theories what it represents, however, its deep influence on our times is indubitable.
Global climate change has become indubitable.