acquiescence n. 默许
ac 加强 + qui 静 + escence 开始出现…状态 → 默许
adolescency n. 青春发育期
adolesce 进入青春期 + escency 开始出现…状态 → 青春发育期
effervescence n. 冒泡
ef〔= e出〕+ ferv 热 + escence 开始出现…状态 → 水)开始变热 → 冒泡
incandescence n. 白炽,炽热
in 使… + cand 白 + escence 开始出现…状态 → 白炽,炽热
iridescence n. 彩虹色
irid〔= iris虹光〕+ escence 开始出现…状态 → 彩虹色
luminescence n. 发光
lumin 光 + escence 开始出现…状态 → 发光
obsolescence n. 过时
obsol 腐烂的 + escence 开始出现…状态 → 过时
opalescence n. (不透明的)乳白光
opal 不透明 + escence 开始出现…状态 → (不透明的)乳白光
quiescence n. 静止
qui 静 + escence 开始出现…状态 → 静止
The state of being white hot; incandescence.
Although incandescence makes a surface appear to glow, it does not actually act as a source of light in the scene.
In short, the Incandescence channel brightens ( or, in some special circumstances, darkens) the way the color channel is evaluated during the render.
After experimenting, annular incandescence lamp was chosen as lamp-house. With white background, the acquired images were studied.
This is accomplished by adding the value of the Incandescence channel at the point being shaded to the value of the color channel at the point being shaded.
Application of Image Simulation to the Holographic CT Measurement for Refractive Index of the Gas in an Incandescence Lamp