homocentric adj. 同中心的
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + centric 中心的 → 同中心的
homochromatic adj. 单色的
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + chrom 颜色 + atic 属于…的 → 颜色相同的 → 单色的
homogeneity n. 同种
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + gene 基因 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 基因相同 → 同种
homogenize v. 使一致
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + gen 产生 + ize 使… → 使产生同类 → 使一致
homograph n. 同形异义词
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + graph 写,画 → 写起来相同〔但意义不同〕的词 → 同形异义词
homonym n. 同音异义词
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 +〔o〕nym名字 → 名字相同〔但意义不同〕的词 → 同音异义词
homophone n. 同音字
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + phon 声音 + e → 发音相同的字 → 同音字
homosexual adj. 同性恋的
homo 相同的,同类的;相似的 + sexual 性别的 → 喜欢同性的 → 同性恋的
Some homograph 'ma'-questions are distinguished by the way of information structure analysis; Desing of the conjugated cam mechanism having the same profile
Two cameras are adopted in this system to enlarge field of view. The object detection and tracking is achieved in each single-camera when objects are not in the overlapped regional and the object handoff is realized by homograph relations when objects are in the overlapped regional.
They can be divided into two categories: synonymy and homograph.
The appearance of the homograph just reflect the confliction and the competition between these two motivations.
The time, phase, type and reason of production and developmental tendency of the homograph on stone inscriptions in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties are analyzed.
With typical sentences and funny stories, this paper compared English and Chinese puns in point of form ( pronunciation or spelling) and meaning, classifying the puns as homonym, homophone and homograph.