

-ry 表名词
1 行为,状态,性质

artistry n. 艺术性

artist 艺术家 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 艺术性

devilry n. 邪恶

devil 魔鬼 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 邪恶

mimicry n. 模仿

mimic 模仿者 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 模仿

rivalry n. 竞争;敌对

rival 对手 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 竞争;敌对

2 行业,…学,…术

chemistry n. 化学

chemist 化学家 + ry 行业,…学,…术 → 化学

dentistry n. 牙科学

dentist 牙医 + ry 行业,…学,…术 → 牙科学

forestry n. 林学

forest 森林 + ry 行业,…学,…术 → 林学

3 集合名词

citizenry n. (总称)公民

citizen 公民 + ry 集合名词 → (总称)公民

gentry n. 绅士

gent 绅士 + ry 集合名词 → 绅士

machinery n. 机械

machine 机械 + ry 集合名词 → 机械

peasantry n. 农民

peasant 农民 + ry 集合名词 → 农民

poetry n. 诗歌

poet 诗人 + ry 集合名词 → 诗歌

poultry n. 家禽;禽肉

poult 幼禽 + ry 集合名词 → 家禽;禽肉

4 场地,地点,工作处

ferry n. 渡口

fer 带来 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 把人从河一边带到另一边 → 渡口

fishery n. 渔场

fish 鱼 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 渔场

foundry n. 铸造车间

found 铸造 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 铸造车间

laundry n. 洗衣房

launder 洗涤 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 洗衣房

pantry n. 食品室

pant〔= pan面包〕+ ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 食品室



The gentry who own land ( considered as a class).


Of all the fugitive local tyrants and evil gentry, those who have fled to Shanghai are the safest.


They have raised their rough, work-soiled hands and laid them on the gentry.


The bully in the Song Dynasty includes local tyrants, evil gentry, bandits and rascals.


He was an extreme right winger from a family of landed gentry.


She was beaten by the Polish and Lithuanian gentry.
