forearm n. 前臂
fore 前面;预先 + arm 臂 → 前臂
forebear n. 祖先
fore 前面;预先 + bear 出生 → 出生在前的 → 祖先
forebode v. 预示
fore 前面;预先 + bode 预示 → 预示
forecast v. 预料
fore 前面;预先 + cast 扔 → 预先扔出〔消息〕→ 预料
forefather n. 祖先
fore 前面;预先 + father 父亲 → 先辈 → 祖先
forefinger n. 食指
fore 前面;预先 + finger 手指 → 用来指向前面的手指 → 食指
forefront n. 最前部;最重要之处
fore 前面;预先 + front 前面 → 前面的前面 → 最前部
forehead n. 前额
fore 前面;预先 + head 头 → 前额
forerunner n. 先驱;先兆
fore 前面;预先 + runner 奔跑者 → 跑在前面的人 → 先驱
foresee v. 预见
fore 前面;预先 + see 看 → 预见
foreshadow v. 预示
fore 前面;预先 + shadow 影子 → 影子预先来 → 预示
foresight n. 远见
fore 前面;预先 + sight 眼光 → 远见
forestall v. 阻止
fore 前面;预先 + stall 停止 → 预先制止 → 阻止
foretell v. 预言
fore 前面;预先 + tell 说 → 预先说 → 预言
foreword n. 前言
fore 前面;预先 + word 话 → 写在〔书〕前面的话 → 前言
Foreword: The attitude we hold toward setbacks decides whether we yield to our surroundings or change it.
That Book has a preface, not a foreword.
The thesis includes three parts: foreword, main body of the thesis, and concluding remarks.
The paper consists of the following three parts: the foreword, the text and the conclusion.
The dissertation mainly consists of six parts: The foreword indicates the importance and the significance of the study of the subject of innovation.
So authors put foreword some corresponding measures to realize full employment in Chengdu city.