forearm n. 前臂
fore 前面;预先 + arm 臂 → 前臂
forebear n. 祖先
fore 前面;预先 + bear 出生 → 出生在前的 → 祖先
forebode v. 预示
fore 前面;预先 + bode 预示 → 预示
forecast v. 预料
fore 前面;预先 + cast 扔 → 预先扔出〔消息〕→ 预料
forefather n. 祖先
fore 前面;预先 + father 父亲 → 先辈 → 祖先
forefinger n. 食指
fore 前面;预先 + finger 手指 → 用来指向前面的手指 → 食指
forefront n. 最前部;最重要之处
fore 前面;预先 + front 前面 → 前面的前面 → 最前部
forehead n. 前额
fore 前面;预先 + head 头 → 前额
forerunner n. 先驱;先兆
fore 前面;预先 + runner 奔跑者 → 跑在前面的人 → 先驱
foresee v. 预见
fore 前面;预先 + see 看 → 预见
foreshadow v. 预示
fore 前面;预先 + shadow 影子 → 影子预先来 → 预示
foresight n. 远见
fore 前面;预先 + sight 眼光 → 远见
forestall v. 阻止
fore 前面;预先 + stall 停止 → 预先制止 → 阻止
foretell v. 预言
fore 前面;预先 + tell 说 → 预先说 → 预言
foreword n. 前言
fore 前面;预先 + word 话 → 写在〔书〕前面的话 → 前言
"Ancestor: a person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear."
This study refers to the hand-make design art pieces from the forebear's wisdom and fable and convert the art design into fashion but obtains the meaning of the fable.
I'll come back to the land of my forebears.
Learning the tradition is to make the past serve the present, consider the thing that the forebear hadn't thought of, and make the traditional essence sublimate in the modern design.