

fin= end, boundary 结束;范围

affinity n. 亲戚;密切关系

af 加强 + fin 结束;范围 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 能不断进入〔别人的〕范围 → 密切关系

confine v. 限制;监禁

con 加强 + fin 结束;范围 + e → 进入〔别人〕范围 → 限制

define v. 限定;下定义

de 加强 + fin 结束;范围 + e → 确定范围 → 限定

definitive adj. 决定性的

de 加强 + fini〔= fin〕结束;范围 + tive …的 → 能结束的 → 决定性的

final adj. 最后的;决定性的

fin 结束;范围 + al …的 → 最后的;决定性的

finale n. 结尾;终曲

fin 结束;范围 + ale → 结尾;终曲

finalist n. 决赛选手

final 最后的;决定性的 + ist 从事某职业的人 → 决赛选手

finality n. 终结;定局

final 最后的;决定性的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 终结;定局

finance n. 资金;财政

fin 结束;范围 + ance 状态,性质,状况 → 资金;财政

finish v. 完成,结束

fin 结束;范围 + ish 使… → 完成,结束

finite adj. 有限的

fin 结束;范围 + ite 有…性质的 → 范围的 → 有限的

infinite adj. 无限的

in 无 + finite 有限的 → 无限的



Though she is a former finalist here, as she was the runner-up to her sister in 2003, she has since gone no further than the quarter-finals in Melbourne.


Another finalist is Zara Solar which aims to provide rural communities in Tanzania with solar panels allowing them access to electrical power.


Amelie Mauresmo, the1999 women's runner-up, and last year's beaten men's finalist Marat Safin will play night matches.


One finalist designed a compression technology for natural gas wells that will allow so-called marginal wells to produce much longer than they can today.


South Korea is emerging as an unexpected contender in the global race to build nuclear-power plants, turning up as a finalist for one of the industry's most-coveted projects.


Among them, she and her husband Jay-z's cooperation Drunk in Love got a finalist GetWord(" finalist"); for The Best Video of the year and The Best Collaboration respectively.

其中,她与丈夫Jay-Z合作的《Drunk in Love》分别入围了年度最佳录影带和最佳组合两个奖项。