

asper= rough 粗糙

asperity n. 粗暴

asper 粗糙 + ity 表性质 → 粗暴

exasperate v. 激怒;使恶化

ex 使… + asper 粗糙 + ate 使… → 使变得粗糙 → 使恶化

exasperation n. 愤怒


1 出,出去

exalt v. 使升高

ex 出,出去 + alt 高 → 使高出来 → 使升高

excavate v. 挖掘

ex 出,出去 + cav 洞 + ate 使… → 挖出洞 → 挖掘

exceed v. 超出

ex 出,出去 + ceed 走 → 走出〔固定范围〕→ 超出

excise v. 切除

ex 出,出去 + cis 切 + e → 切出去 → 切除

exclude v. 排除

ex 出,出去 + clud 关闭 + e → 关在外面 → 排除

exhale v. 呼气

ex 出,出去 + hal 呼吸 + e → 出气 → 呼气

exhume v. 挖出

ex 出,出去 + hum 土 + e → 出土 → 挖出

exorbitant adj. 过分的

ex 出,出去 + orbit 轨道 + ant …的 → 出轨 → 过分的

expatriate v. 驱逐出国

ex 出,出去 + patri 父亲;引申为祖国 + ate 做,造成,使… →〔强制〕离开祖国 → 驱逐出国

expel v. 逐出

ex 出,出去 + pel 推 → 推出去 → 逐出

expire v. 期满;断气

ex 出,出去 + spir 呼吸 + e → 有出气没进气 → 断气

export v./n. 出口

ex 出,出去 + port 港口 →〔货物〕出港 → 出口

expose v. 暴露

ex 出,出去 + pos 放 + e → 放出去 → 暴露

extract v. 拔出

ex 出,出去 + tract 拉 → 拉出 → 拔出

2 前面的,前任的

ex-husband n. 前夫

ex 前面的,前任的 + husband 丈夫 → 前夫

ex-mayor n. 前任市长

ex 前面的,前任的 + mayor 市长 → 前任市长

ex-minister n. 前任部长

ex 前面的,前任的 + minister 部长 → 前任部长

ex-president n. 前任总统

ex 前面的,前任的 + president 总统 → 前任总统

ex-wife n. 前妻

ex 前面的,前任的 + wife 妻子 → 前妻

3 使…;做…;加强

exaggerate v. 夸张

ex 使…;做…;加强 + agger 堆积 + ate 使… → 越堆越高 → 夸张

exasperate v. 激怒

ex 使…;做…;加强 + asper 粗糙 + ate 做,造成,使… →〔说话〕粗 → 激怒

expurgate v. 净化;删去

ex 使…;做…;加强 + purg 纯洁 + ate 使… → 使纯洁 → 净化



Common Equilibrium Analysis of the Exasperate Terms of Trade and the Choice of Comparative Advantage Strategy of China


Now humankind is confronted with the severe challenge to the sharply inflated population, the seriously scarce resources and the increasingly exasperate environment.


But the development as the illness and exasperate degree, the account that the patient produces insomnia basically is angst ( or scared) ache with the body.


The important thing is that you do not panic, as this will only exasperate the negative experience.


Exasperate, to make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.


The results show that Cd-Zn compound pollution has a synergistic effect on Zn. Low content of Cd can promote Zn uptake, exasperate its inhibition on nutrient absorption and aggravate Zn toxicity.
