evaporate v. 蒸发
e 出 + vapor 蒸汽 + ate 做,造成,使… → 蒸汽出来 → 蒸发
vapor n. 蒸汽
vaporization n. 汽化
vapor 蒸汽 + ization …化 → 汽化
vaporize v. 汽化,蒸发
vapor 蒸汽 + ize 使 → 汽化,蒸发
vaporous adj. 冒出蒸汽的;似蒸汽的
vapor 蒸汽 + ous 有…性质的,关于…的 → 冒出蒸汽的;似蒸汽的
efface v. 擦掉
ef〔 = e〕无;除去 + face 脸 → 从脸上去掉 → 擦掉
eliminate v. 消除
e 无;除去 + limin 门槛 + ate 做,造成,使… → 从门槛里除去 → 消除
elimination n. 消除
emasculate v. 阉割
e 无;除去 + mascul 雄性 + ate 做,造成,使… → 去男性化 → 阉割
eradicate v. 根除
e 无;除去 + radic 根 + ate 做,造成,使… → 除根 → 根除
elaborate v. 精工细作
e 表加强或引申 + labor 工作,劳动 + ate 做,造成,使… → 精细化工作 → 精工细作
elongate v. 延长
e 表加强或引申 + long 长 + ate 做,造成,使… → 延长
enumerate v. 列举
e 表加强或引申 + numer 数,计数 + ate 做,造成,使… → 用数表示 → 列举
especial adj. 特别的
e 表加强或引申 + special 特别的 → 特别的
estop v. 禁止
e 表加强或引申 + stop 阻止 → 禁止
estrange v. 疏远
e 表加强或引申 + strange 陌生 → 使…陌生 → 疏远
evanish v. 消失
e 表加强或引申 + van 空 + ish 使… → 凭空不见 → 消失
The water is evaporated by the sun.
Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates
Your dreams always seem to evaporate, and nothing ever quite matches expectations
My anger evaporated and I wanted to cry
This liquid is not to be exposed to air, for it will soon evaporate.
Are you sure it will evaporate by morning?