efface v. 擦掉
ef〔 = e〕无;除去 + face 脸 → 从脸上去掉 → 擦掉
eliminate v. 消除
e 无;除去 + limin 门槛 + ate 做,造成,使… → 从门槛里除去 → 消除
elimination n. 消除
emasculate v. 阉割
e 无;除去 + mascul 雄性 + ate 做,造成,使… → 去男性化 → 阉割
eradicate v. 根除
e 无;除去 + radic 根 + ate 做,造成,使… → 除根 → 根除
elaborate v. 精工细作
e 表加强或引申 + labor 工作,劳动 + ate 做,造成,使… → 精细化工作 → 精工细作
elongate v. 延长
e 表加强或引申 + long 长 + ate 做,造成,使… → 延长
enumerate v. 列举
e 表加强或引申 + numer 数,计数 + ate 做,造成,使… → 用数表示 → 列举
especial adj. 特别的
e 表加强或引申 + special 特别的 → 特别的
estop v. 禁止
e 表加强或引申 + stop 阻止 → 禁止
estrange v. 疏远
e 表加强或引申 + strange 陌生 → 使…陌生 → 疏远
evanish v. 消失
e 表加强或引申 + van 空 + ish 使… → 凭空不见 → 消失
The beaming sun; the effulgent daffodils; a radiant sunrise; a refulgent sunset.
The presentation of the developing venation and evolving discipline of Confucian clothes not only explains clearly the characteristics of social customs and the Confucianism in every period but also proves that the clothes evolvement is an effulgent history book.
With the insight of big open-up, great investment, WUDI will turn on the new face of development and build the effulgent future of "China Date Town".
Chenguan world& more effulgent due to you!
Meanwhile, "Hanfu" is an important part of Chinese civilization, and it is an effulgent pearl in the history of national culture.
The Chinese large land and effulgent culture not only foster Chinese generation and generation, but also create rich and colorful dwelling culture.