

mob, mot= to move 动

automobile n. 汽车

auto 自己 + mob 动 + ile 属于…的 → 自己动的〔车〕→ 汽车

bookmobile n. 流动图书馆

book 书 + mob 动 + ile 表物体 → 动的书 → 流动图书馆

commotion n. 动乱

com 加强 + mot 动 + ion 表动作 → 到处都在动 → 动乱

demobilize v. 复员

de 非,相反 + mobilize 动员 → 动员〔退伍〕→ 复员

demote v. 使降级

de 向下 + mot 动 + e → 向下动 → 使降级

emotion n. 感情

e 出 + mot 动 + ion 表名词 → 动出〔感情〕→ 感情

immobile adj. 静止的

im 不 + mobile 活动的,可动的 → 静止的

locomotive n. 火车头;机车

loco 地方 + mot 动 + ive 表物 → 从一个地方跑到另一个地方的东西 → 火车头

mob n. 暴民(造成动乱的人)

mobbish adj. 暴乱的

mobb〔= mob〕动 + ish …的 → 乱动的 → 暴乱的

mobster n. 匪徒,歹徒

mob 动 + ster 表人 → 匪徒,歹徒

mobile adj. 活动的,可动的

mob 动 + ile 物体 → 活动的,可动的

mobility n. 能动性

mob 动 + ility 性质 →〔人〕动起来 → 能动性

mobilize v. 动员

mobil〔e〕活动的,可动的 + ize 使… → 使〔人〕动 → 动员

motion n. 运动

mot 动 + ion 动作或状态 → 运动

motive n. 动机

mot 动 + ive 表名词 → 动机

motivate v. 推动;激励

motiv〔e〕动机 + ate 使… → 使有动机 → 推动

promote v. 促进;提升

pro 向前 + mot 动 + e → 向前运动 → 促进

promotion n. 促进;升级




An employer who has lost confidence in the ability of an employee may demote him.


In the same time, this phenomenon reflected the Song officials fearing of demote and their reluctance to leave the government posts, sentimentally attached to the.


From this point of view, we must try our best to utilize positive factor and modern combination governed by law among family's factor, not demote family composition and family's culture in the family firm simply.


Philosophy as the self-consciousness of human being in a theoretic form, is always holding it as its pursuing goal and theoretic undertaking to promote greatness and demote paltriness.


For example, a trigger can send you e-mail whenever new content is posted or can demote a front-page story if the story is edited.


Demote: This allows the guild leader to demote members within the guild to lower ranks.
