bakery n. 面包房
bake 烘焙 + ery 场所,地点 → 面包房
cemetery n. 坟墓
cemet〔= cem躺〕+ ery 场所,地点 → 死人躺着的地方 → 坟墓
greenery n. 温室
green 绿色 + ery 场所,地点 → 温室
nursery n. 托儿所
nurse 养育,护理 + ery 场所,地点 → 托儿所
rosery n. 玫瑰园
rose 玫瑰 + ery 场所,地点 → 玫瑰园
scenery n. 风景;舞台布景
scene 景色 + ery 场所,地点 → 风景;舞台布景
bravery n. 勇敢
brave 勇敢的 + ery 行为,情况,状态 → 勇敢
chicanery n. 欺骗
chicane 诈骗 + ery 行为,情况,状态 → 欺骗
effrontery n. 厚颜无耻
ef〔= e离去〕+ front 脸面 + ery 行为,情况,状态 → 不要脸 → 厚颜无耻
imagery n. 肖像
image 肖像 + ery 行为,情况,状态 → 肖像
robbery n. 抢劫
rob 抢劫 + ery 行为,情况,状态 → 抢劫
trickery n. 欺诈
trick 诡计 + ery 行为,情况,状态 → 欺诈
archery n. 射箭术
arch 弓 + ery 行业,…法,…术,身份 → 射箭术
slavery n. 奴隶制;奴隶身份
slave 奴隶 + ery 行业,…法,…术,身份 → 奴隶制;奴隶身份
They are skilled at chicanery and lies.
It also took financial chicanery to turn reckless mortgage lending in to triple A rated securities.
Scandal! Financial Crime, Chicanery and Corruption that Rocked America.
Giving people more rights over their land title by, for example, extending the lease to 70 years could help counter such chicanery.
Some may recall that these very same organisations were deeply complicit in the chicanery that saw worthless debt instruments repackaged as top-notch financial securities.
We watch this grand chicanery play out and have taken note of just how callous these media types really are.