centenarian n. 百岁老人
cent 一百 + en〔= enn 年〕+ arian 表人 → 百岁老人
centennial adj. 百年纪念的
cent 一百 + enn 年 + ial …的 → 百年〔纪念〕的
centimeter n. 厘米
centi 一百 + meter 一米 → 百分之一米 → 厘米
century n. 一世纪,一百年
cent 一百 + ury → 一世纪,一百年
percent n. 百分之…,百分比
per 每 + cent 一百 → 一百中的每部分 → 百分之…
percentage n. 百分率
percent 百分之…,百分比 + age 总称 → 百分率
The trilogy of blooming IEC and the complication of standardization of China in centennial eventful years are briefly drawn.
And in October, he hosted a centennial celebration of President Wilson's election.
And this summer marks the end of the Rocky Mountain National Park centennial celebration, and so too, its special programming like the climbers 'oral history project, concerts from the Colorado Wind Ensemble and the Celebrating Rocky Invitational Art Show ( June 6).
So did Teddy Roosevelt in1910, Herbert Hoover in1927, and Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt for the states centennial in1936.
He joins students at tainan's Liuying primary school to celebrate the school's centennial.
A couple of weeks after my husband and I got home, still thinking of Owens and his charming ponies, I went online and found it was the centennial show of the Welsh Pony and Cob Societyof America.