accede v. 答应,同意
ac 加强 + ced 行走,前进 + e → 一起走 → 同意
access n. 接近;入口
ac 加强 + cess 行走,前进 → 一再向前走 → 接近
ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗
an 加强 + cest〔= cess〕行走,前进 + or 表人 → 走了很久的人 → 祖先
antecedent adj. 先行的;以前的
ante 前面 + ced 行走,前进 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 先行的;以前的
cede v. 割让;交出
ced 行走,前进 + e →〔使〕走开 → 割让
exceed v. 超越…的界限;胜过
ex 出 + ceed 行走,前进 → 走出去 → 超越
intercede v. 调停;仲裁
inter 在…之间 + ced 行走,前进 + e → 在两者中间走 → 调停
precede v. 在先,优于
pre 预先 + ced 行走,前进 + e → 在先,优于
precedent n. 先例;惯例
pre 前;预先 + ced 行走,前进 + ent 表名词 → 在前面的东西 → 先例
procedure n. 程序;手续
pro 在前 + ced 行走,前进 + ure 表结果 → 前面经过的〔历程〕→ 程序
proceed v. 继续进行,前进
pro 向前 + ceed 行走,前进 → 继续进行,前进
process n. 过程;进行
pro 向前 + cess 行走,前进 → 向前走的〔历程〕→ 过程
procession n. 队伍,行列
process 过程;进行 + ion 表名词 → 向前走 → 队伍
recede v. 后退
re 向后 + ced 行走,前进 + e → 后退
recess n. 休息;隐居
re 回 + cess 行走,前进 → 走回去 → 休息
recession n. 撤退;交还
recess 休息;暂停 + ion 表动作 → 走回去 → 撤退
secede v. 脱离;退出
se 分开 + ced 行走,前进 + e → 分开走 → 脱离
succeed v. 成功;继续
suc 下 + ceed 行走,前进 → 从下面走到上面 → 成功
success n. 成功,胜利
suc 下 + cess 行走,前进 → 成功,胜利
unprecedented adj. 史无前例的
un 无 + precedent 前例 + ed 表形容词 → 史无前例的
To avoid this result, man must cede his natural right of self-defence, and much else, to a sovereign authority with very broad powers, preferably an absolute monarch.
America would never cede control of the world order, and in any case China would never seek to exert hegemony.
Yet other schools might work better if their heads had the guts to cede more power.
G20 officials said no country would cede sovereignty on core economic decisions, so there would be no agreement to fine or punish countries that built up the sort of large trade surpluses or deficits that contributed to global trade imbalances.
But sanctions that penalise members of the former junta and their cronies should stay, until there is more evidence that the military men really are ready to cede power.
Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America