

card, chart= paper 纸片

card n. 卡片;纸牌

cartographer n. 绘制地图者

carto〔= card〕纸片 + graph 写,画 + er 表人 → 绘制地图者

carton n. 硬纸盒

cart〔= card〕纸片 + on 表物 → 硬纸盒

cartoon n. 卡通画

cart 纸片 + oon 表物 → 纸片上的画 → 卡通画

chart n. 图表

charter n. 特许状;契约

chart 纸片 + er 表物 → 纸上的东西 → 契约

discard v. 抛弃

dis 去掉 + card 纸片 → 像扔〔废纸〕一样扔掉 → 抛弃

uncharted adj. 地图上未标明的;未知的

un 无 + chart 纸片 + ed 表形容词 → 纸〔地图〕上没有的 → 地图上未标明的



Suppose you're a cartographer or geographic information system ( GIS) professional, working on behalf of one, or an advanced hobbyist and want to bring in multiple datasets from a variety of sources.


Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine. It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects.


This dissertation creates a cartographic portrayal model, which revolves around cartographic data, and which includes override mechanisms to empower the human cartographer to modify individual features and representation parts without affecting the master geographic data to implement high-quality cartography, and which avoids unnecessary data duplication.


Subjective judgments based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer.


Symbols used on charts are also called chart languages which are believed as the bridges and tools of information transmission and communication carriers between cartographer and users, and are believed as the organic knowledge entirety to be connect with semiotics and cartography.


The QTL interval mapping analysis was carried out with MAPMAKER/ QTL and QTL Cartographer.

运用MAPMAKER/QTL和QTL Cartographer软件进行了区间分析,两种方法均发现Xgwm294与每穗小穗数的QTL紧密连锁,而且距离很近,分别为0.0cM和0.01cM,几乎就位于该标记处。