apprehension n. 理解;逮捕
apprehend 领会,逮捕,ap加强 + prehend 抓住 → 理解;逮捕
approbation n. 称赞;认可
approbate 称赞,ap加强 + prob 证明 + ate 做,造成,使… → 证明正确 → 称赞
concision n. 简洁
concise 简洁的,con加强 + cis 切 + e → 把多余的剪切掉 → 简洁的
dilapidation n. 破旧,荒废
dilapidate 倒塌,di分开 + lapid 石头 + ate 做,造成,使… →〔造房的〕石头一分为二 → 倒塌
discussion n. 讨论
discuss 讨论,dis分散 + cuss 摇动 → 分散敲击〔问题〕→ 讨论
inflation n. 通货膨胀
inflate 充气,in使… + flat 吹 + e → 吹气 → 充气
profusion n. 丰富;浪费
profuse 浪费的;充沛的,pro向前 + fus 流 + e → 不断向前流 → 浪费
accordion n. 手风琴
ac 加强 + cord 心 + ion 物,用品 → 抒发心声的〔琴〕→ 手风琴
carnation n. 康乃馨
carrion n. 腐肉
carr〔= carn〕+ ion 物,用品 → 腐肉
mansion n. 大厦
manse 住宅 + ion 物,用品 → 大厦
As for the creature I kill'd, I took it to be a kind of a hawk, its colour and beak resembling it, but had no talons or claws more than common, its flesh was carrion, and fit for nothing.
I think the carrion birds wait for them.
Devils are known for their offensive odor, disturbing screeches and viciousness when they eat, mostly carrion.
Caracaras have a varied diet that includes insects and carrion.
Large usually hairy metallic blue or green fly; lays eggs in carrion or dung or wounds.
Any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion.