

cant, cent= to sing, song 唱;歌

accent n. 口音;重音

ac 加强 + cent 唱;歌 → 着重唱 → 重音

accentuate v. 强调;重读

accent 口音;重音 + uate 使… → 用重音 → 强调

cant n. 术语;暗语(唱出来的话 → 暗语)

cantata n. 清唱剧

cant 唱;歌 + ata → 清唱剧

canto n. 长诗中的篇章

cant 唱;歌 + o 表音乐术语 → 唱的诗歌 → 长诗中的篇章

descant v. 详述;伴唱

des〔= dis 分散〕+ cant 唱;歌 → 分开唱 → 伴唱

incantation n. 咒语,咒文

in 不 + cant 唱;歌 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 不停地唱 → 咒语

incentive n. 激励;刺激力量

in 进入 + cent 唱;歌 + ive 表名词 → 把〔力量〕唱进去 → 激励

recant v. 撤消(声明);放弃信仰

re 相反 + cant 唱;歌 → 唱反调 → 撤消〔声明〕



This morning I gave class on a verse from the Third Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam about the glories of the brahminical, or priestly, order.


On the General and Individual Characters of Bel Canto and National Way of Singing; Radio 4 had a lot of decent actors breathing excitedly and chanting Pharaonic hymns at very opportunity and to little purpose.


Outstanding Course and Splendid Canto& Review and Summarization on 60 Years Development of Sichuan Forestry


The paper studies the singing of Shaoxing opera by spectrum analyzing and makes a comparison with bel canto.


As there are some differences in the style of articulation between the western and Chinese chorus works, so are the singing techniques of Chinese chorus works, bel canto and folk singing.


We may compare Queen's English to bel canto songs and American English to popular ones.
