

1 = war, to fight 战争;打斗

bellicism n. 好战性,好战倾向

bell 战争;打斗 + ic …的 + ism 表性质 → 好战性,好战倾向

bellicose adj. 好战的

bell 战争;打斗 + ic …的 + ose 多…的 → 好战的

belligerent adj. 交战的

belli〔= bell〕战争;打斗 + ger 带来 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 带来战争 → 交战的

bellow v. 怒吼

bell 战争;打斗 + ow → 战争的叫喊 → 怒吼

rebel n. 叛乱者

re 回,向后 + bel 战争;打斗 → 反过来打〔自己人〕→ 叛乱者

rebel v. 反叛

rebellion n. 反叛;反抗

re 回,向后 + bell 战争;打斗 + ion 表动作 → 反叛;反抗

rebellious adj. 反抗的;难控制的

re 回,向后 + bell 战争;打斗 + ious …的 → 反抗的;难控制的

2 = fine 美好

belle n. 美女

bell 美好 + e → 美女

embellish v. 装饰

em 使… + bell 美好 + ish 使… → 使变得美好 → 装饰

-ose 表形容词,“多…的,有…性质的,如…的”

bellicose adj. 好战的

bellic〔= bell战斗〕+ ose 多…的,有…性质的,如…的 → 好战的

flexuose adj. 弯弯曲曲的

flexu〔= flex弯曲〕+ ose 多…的,有…性质的,如…的 → 弯弯曲曲的

foliose adj. 叶状的;多叶的

foli 树叶 + ose 多…的,有…性质的,如…的 → 叶状的;多叶的

grandiose adj. 浮夸的;雄伟的

grandi〔= grand宏大的〕+ ose 多…的,有…性质的,如…的 → 浮夸的;雄伟的

operose adj. 费力的

oper 工作 + ose 多…的,有…性质的,如…的 → 费力的

verbose adj. 啰嗦的

verb 词语 + ose 多…的,有…性质的,如…的 → 啰嗦的



Despite occasional bellicose reactions to what it regards as provocations, China still harbours no ambition to be a hegemonic power.


The next administration should not be distracted by the idea of a new international organisation to remake the world, nor another bellicose crusade for "Western values" with its inevitable delineation of new enemies.


The South has been safer than in decades. Bellicose words are often followed by calmer ones.


An extreme bellicose nationalist.


The existence of rules in the bullfight makes the bullfight a unique form of art. Bellicose: Warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious.


Faber had imagined them to be young, fit, aggressive and bellicose as well as clever.
