

-ry 表名词
1 行为,状态,性质

artistry n. 艺术性

artist 艺术家 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 艺术性

devilry n. 邪恶

devil 魔鬼 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 邪恶

mimicry n. 模仿

mimic 模仿者 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 模仿

rivalry n. 竞争;敌对

rival 对手 + ry 行为,状态,性质 → 竞争;敌对

2 行业,…学,…术

chemistry n. 化学

chemist 化学家 + ry 行业,…学,…术 → 化学

dentistry n. 牙科学

dentist 牙医 + ry 行业,…学,…术 → 牙科学

forestry n. 林学

forest 森林 + ry 行业,…学,…术 → 林学

3 集合名词

citizenry n. (总称)公民

citizen 公民 + ry 集合名词 → (总称)公民

gentry n. 绅士

gent 绅士 + ry 集合名词 → 绅士

machinery n. 机械

machine 机械 + ry 集合名词 → 机械

peasantry n. 农民

peasant 农民 + ry 集合名词 → 农民

poetry n. 诗歌

poet 诗人 + ry 集合名词 → 诗歌

poultry n. 家禽;禽肉

poult 幼禽 + ry 集合名词 → 家禽;禽肉

4 场地,地点,工作处

ferry n. 渡口

fer 带来 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 把人从河一边带到另一边 → 渡口

fishery n. 渔场

fish 鱼 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 渔场

foundry n. 铸造车间

found 铸造 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 铸造车间

laundry n. 洗衣房

launder 洗涤 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 洗衣房

pantry n. 食品室

pant〔= pan面包〕+ ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 食品室



With intuitive insight and deeply historical emotion, the artist extracts artistry of celebrities and features in the history.


The paper mainly analyzes relations between the garden space design and art, and discusses the function and meaning of the garden space visual factors in the garden space artistry.


Think about all the time, effort, training and artistry that went into the ceremony!


Works with the full foot jade expected, the performance superb artistry.


It take imagination and artistry to write even a short piece of music.


The theme range, idea and artistry of chorus works all have a change in quality.
