

1 表形容词,“有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的”

advisory adj. 劝告的

advise 忠告 + ory 有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的 → 劝告的

compulsory adj. 强制性的

com 加强 + puls 推 + ory 有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的 → 强制性的

contradictory adj. 矛盾的

contra 相反 + dict 说 + ory 有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的 → 反过来说 → 矛盾的

peremptory adj. 专横的

per 自始至终 + empt 拿 + ory 有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的 → 一直拿着 → 专横的

refractory adj. 倔强的

re 一再 + fract 破碎,打碎 + ory 有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的 → 宁碎也不折腰 → 倔强的

transitory adj. 短暂的

transit 过渡 + ory 有…性质的,属于…的,与…有关的 → 短暂的

2 表名词,“场所,地点”

armory n. 军械库

arm 武器 + ory 场所,地点 → 军械库

crematory n. 火葬场

cremate 焚烧 + ory 场所,地点 → 火葬场

depository n. 仓库

deposit 储存 + ory 场所,地点 → 仓库

dormitory n. 宿舍

dormit 睡眠 + ory 场所,地点 → 宿舍

factory n. 工厂

fact 做 + ory 场所,地点 → 工厂

3 表名词,“物”

directory n. 电话目录

direct 指导 + ory 物 → 电话目录

incensory n. 香炉

incense 熏香 + ory 物 → 香炉

territory n. 领土

terr 土 + it 行走 + ory 物 → 领土



Grimm and I picked the weapons up at the armory, but he dropped me off as soon as we got off base.


"Not out of my armory, for at Terracina I was plundered even of my hunting-knife." He leaped to his feet, at the same time reaching to his belt for a hunting knife he carried in a sheath.


The weapon that killed staff sergeant Grimm definitely came from the armory at quantico.


Every March, artists, galleries, collectors, critics and curators from all over the world make New York their destination during Armory Arts Week.


You gave the armory property to kyle?


For decades, the agency's armory in these battles held only a popgun and a cannon& the popgun being the issuance of widely ignored warnings;
