

-ee 表名词,“…人(被动或主动的人)”

absentee n. 缺席者

absent 缺席的 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 缺席者

appointee n. 被任命者

appoint 任命 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 被任命者

devotee n. 献身者

devote 献身 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 献身者

employee n. 雇员

employ 雇用 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 雇员

escapee n. 逃亡者(尤指越狱犯)

escape 逃脱,逃跑 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 逃亡者(尤指越狱犯)

examinee n. 应试者

examine 考试 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 应试者

interviewee n. (面试中)受审核者;被采访者

interview 面试,采访 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ (面试中)受审核者;被采访者

refugee n. 难民

refuge 避难 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 难民

returnee n. 归来者

return 归来 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 归来者

trainee n. 受训练者

train 训练 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ 受训练者

trustee n. (财产、业务等的)受托人

trust 委托;信任 + ee …人(被动或主动的人)→ (财产、业务等的)受托人



Informed as to who is their employee OH& S representatie ( s) and specified management appointee ( see 4.4.1).


But he will be the fourth chief executive in four years at UBS and will be seen as a temporary appointee.


The new appointee will be working closely with both departments.


Exploration on the Approach to Selecting Dispatched Personnel of Multinational Enterprises; The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 'Special Appointee Office in Hong Kong dedicates itself to assisting the SAR government in handling authorized foreign affairs


Therefore, The appropriate Personnel appointment can be done and the optimized human resource will be attained based on the type the type of appointee candidate recognized through signal he or she sends.


In general, It is very difficult for the department of Personnel matters to know the quality of appointee candidate and make a appropriate personnel appointment because of information asymmetry.
