apogee n. 远地点
apo 离开,远离 + gee 走 → 走远 → 远地点
apologue n. 寓言
apo 离开,远离 + log 说话 + ue → 远离〔现实〕的话 → 寓言
apology n. 道歉
apo 离开,远离 + log 说话 + y 表行为 → 为了远离〔争吵〕说的话 → 道歉
apostasy n. 背叛;脱党
apo 离开,远离 + stas〔 = stat〕站 + y 表行为 → 离开〔党〕站着 → 脱党
apostate n. 背教者
apo 离开,远离 + stat 站 + e → 离开〔自己信仰〕站着的人 → 背教者
apothegm n. 格言
apo 与…有关 + the 神 + gm → 神的告诫 → 格言
apotheosis n. 神化
apo 与…有关 + the 神 + osis 表过程 → 成为神的过程 → 神化
If this is an ellipse around the Earth, then this would be perigee and this would be apogee.
The content of the study is the pure-room air-conditioning control system, based on the Siemens apogee system.
Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.
Depth of puncture can be deduced according to interval of apogee of malar archs.
After these surfaces have been review and agreed upon with the customer, the internal controlled Apogee prints will note the corresponding surface classification.
The apogee of the themed hotel has always been Las Vegas, the triumph of the pretence that you were anywhere but in the desert, anywhere from Venice to Paris, just not Nevada.