antagonism n. 对抗
ant 相反;反对;抗 + agon 打斗 + ism 行为,现象,状态 → 对打 → 对抗
Antarctic adj. 南极的
Ant 相反;反对;抗 + arctic 北极的 → 北极的对面 → 南极的
antiaircraft adj. 防空的
anti 相反;反对;抗 + aircraft 飞机 → 反抗飞机〔空袭〕的 → 防空的
antibacterial adj. 抗菌的
anti 相反;反对;抗 + bacterial 细菌的 → 抗菌的
antibody n. 抗体
anti 相反;反对;抗 + body 身体 → 抗体
anticlockwise adj./adv. 逆时针方向的(地)
anti 相反;反对;抗 + clockwise 顺时针的〔地〕→ 逆时针方向的(地)
antidote n. 解毒药
anti 相反;反对;抗 + dote〔 = dose药剂〕→ 抗〔毒〕药 → 解毒药
antipathy n. 反感
anti 相反;反对;抗 + pathy 感情 → 反感
antisocial adj. 反社会的
anti 相反;反对;抗 + social 社会的 → 反社会的
antitoxin n. 抗毒素
anti 相反;反对;抗 + tox 毒 + in …素 → 抗毒素
antitrust adj. 反托拉斯的
anti 相反;反对;抗 + trust 托拉斯 → 反托拉斯的
antiwar adj. 反战的
anti 相反;反对;抗 + war 战争 → 反战的
antonym n. 反义词
ant 相反;反对;抗 + onym 名字 → 名称相对 → 反义词
While corresponding to the current moment with "simple and innocent", which seems to be the antonym of" difference", will it lead to confused "expression"?
For instance, writable and writeable are synonyms, and read only is an antonym for these& that is, read only= Yes is equivalent to writable= No.
例如,writable和writeable是同义词,而read only是这些的反义词&也就是说,read only=Yes等同于writable=No。
The antonymous compound word comes directly from the phrase of antonym, and its source head is the single sound antonym.
Learning an antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary.
Listen and write the antonym of the adjective in the sentence you hear.
Knowing that the usual antonym for revenge was forgiveness, the anthropologist still did not go to help the now injured apprentice.