anaesthetic n. 麻醉剂
an 不,无 + aesthet 感觉 + ic 某种药 → 使无感觉的药 → 麻醉剂
anarchism n. 无政府主义
an 不,无 + arch 统治 + ism 表主义 → 无统治 → 无政府主义
anechoic adj. 无回声的
an 不,无 + echo 回声 + ic …的 → 无回声的
anesthesia n. 麻醉
an 不,无 + esthes〔= eshtet感觉〕+ ia 某种病 → 无感觉 → 麻醉
anharmonic adj. 不和谐的
an 不,无 + harmonic 和谐的 → 不和谐的
anonymous adj. 匿名的
an 不,无 + onym 名字 + ous …的 → 匿名的
annex v. 吞并
an 表加强 + nex〔= nect连接〕→ 连接到一起 → 吞并
annihilate v. 消灭
an 表加强 + nihil 无,零 + ate 使… → 成为零 → 消灭
annotate v. 注释
an 表加强 + not 标记 + ate 做 → 做标记 → 注释
announce v. 通告
an 表加强 + nounc 说 + e → 反复说 → 通告
annul v. 取消
an 表加强 + nul〔= null没有,无〕→ 变没有 → 取消
annunciate v. 宣告
an 表加强 + nunci 说 + ate 使… → 大声说 → 宣告
The RSC was calling a press conference to announce the theatre's closure
That company made a news release to announce the appointment of their new president.
First I'll announce a good news to all of you: The spring of2011 is coming!
His entrance was announced by a buzzer connected to the door.
The next letter announced the birth of another boy
He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office