anachronic adj. 时代错误的
ana 错误 + chron 时间 + ic …的 → 时间错误的 → 时代错误的
anachronism n. 时代错误
ana 错误 + chron 时间 + ism 表现象 → 时代错误
analogous adj. 类似的
ana 在旁边;类似 + log 说话 + ous …的 → 类似的
analogy n. 类比;类似
ana 在旁边;类似 + log 说话 + y 表行为 → 类似的说话行为 → 类似
analysis n. 分析
ana 在旁边;类似 + lys 裂开,分解 + is 表情况 → 类似分解 → 分析
anatomy n. 解剖
ana 在旁边;类似 + tom 切割 + y 表行为 → 切开 → 解剖
Today a hay type of pasture plant is really an anachronism.
"But they are an anachronism," he replied." they don't belong here any more. "
He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point.
It may look like a bit of an anachronism, but it can be very effective. It's good for the City and good for the country.
To some people the monarchy is simply an anachronism.
The rapid development of the Internet, email and mobile phones has meant that the practice of driving or commuting to the office everyday is an anachronism.