

jac= to lie 躺

adjacent adj. 邻近的,毗连的

ad 做… + jac 躺 + ent 关于…的 → 躺在旁边 → 毗连的

circumjacent adj. 周围的

circum 环绕 + jac 躺 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 环绕着躺在一起 → 周围的

ad- 做…或加强

adapt v. 适应

ad 做…或加强 + apt 适应 → 适应

addict v. 上瘾,入迷

ad 做…或加强 + dict〔= dic说〕→ 一再说起 → 上瘾

adduce v. 引证,举例

ad 做…或加强 + duc 引导 + e → 一再引导 → 引证,举例

adept adj. 熟练的

ad 做…或加强 + ept 能力 → 很有能力 → 熟练的

adhere v. 坚持;粘附

ad 做…或加强 + her 粘 + e → 坚持;粘附

adjacent adj. 邻近的

ad 做…或加强 + jac 躺 + ent 具有…性质的 → 躺在一起 → 邻近的

adjust v. 调整

ad 做…或加强 + just 正确 → 使正确 → 调整

administrate v. 管理;执行

ad 做…或加强 + ministr 管理 + ate 做 → 管理;执行

admire v. 羡慕

ad 做…或加强 + mir 惊 + e → 很惊喜 → 羡慕

admonish v. 告诫,警告

ad 做…或加强 + mon 警告 + ish 使… → 一再警告 → 告诫

adopt v. 收养;采纳

ad 做…或加强 + opt 选择 → 做选择 → 采纳

adumbrate v. 预示

ad 做…或加强 + umbr 影子 + ate 造成 → 出现影子 → 预示

advent n. 来临

ad 做…或加强 + vent 来 → 来临

adventure v. 冒险

ad 做…或加强 + venture 冒险 → 冒险



A facsimile compression technique that codes distances between changing pixels on two adjacent scan lines.


Each ecosystem, however, is continuous to some degree with adjacent systems.


This means the delimiter is only inserted between any two adjacent records.


Waters between Lamma Island and Cheung Chau, and lying adjacent to the south of the West Lamma Channel.


Attraction between adjacent ships abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate.


They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings
